$(function() { // ======================= imagesloaded plugin =============================== // https://github.com/desandro/imagesloaded // $('#my-container').imagesloaded(myfunction) // execute a callback when all images have loaded. // needed because .load() doesn't work on cached images // callback function gets image collection as argument // this is the container // original: mit license. paul irish. 2010. // contributors: oren solomianik, david desandro, yiannis chatzikonstantinou $.fn.imagesloaded = function( callback ) { var $images = this.find('img'), len = $images.length, _this = this, blank = ''; function triggercallback() { callback.call( _this, $images ); } function imgloaded() { if ( --len <= 0 && this.src !== blank ){ settimeout( triggercallback ); $images.off( 'load error', imgloaded ); } } if ( !len ) { triggercallback(); } $images.on( 'load error', imgloaded ).each( function() { // cached images don't fire load sometimes, so we reset src. if (this.complete || this.complete === undefined){ var src = this.src; // webkit hack from http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-dev/browse_thread/thread/eee6ab7b2da50e1f // data uri bypasses webkit log warning (thx doug jones) this.src = blank; this.src = src; } }); return this; }; // gallery container var $rggallery = $('#rg-gallery'), // carousel container $escarousel = $rggallery.find('div.es-carousel-wrapper'), // the carousel items $items = $escarousel.find('ul > li'), // total number of items itemscount = $items.length; gallery = (function() { // index of the current item var current = 0, // mode : carousel || fullview mode = 'carousel', // control if one image is being loaded anim = false, init = function() { // (not necessary) preloading the images here... $items.add('').imagesloaded( function() { // add options _addviewmodes(); // add large image wrapper _addimagewrapper(); // show first image _showimage( $items.eq( current ) ); }); // initialize the carousel if( mode === 'carousel' ) _initcarousel(); }, _initcarousel = function() { // we are using the elastislide plugin: // http://tympanus.net/codrops/2011/09/12/elastislide-responsive-carousel/ $escarousel.show().elastislide({ imagew : 65, onclick : function( $item ) { if( anim ) return false; anim = true; // on click show image _showimage($item); // change current current = $item.index(); } }); // set elastislide's current to current $escarousel.elastislide( 'setcurrent', current ); }, _addviewmodes = function() { // top right buttons: hide / show carousel var $viewfull = $(''), $viewthumbs = $(''); $rggallery.prepend( $('
').append( $viewfull ).append( $viewthumbs ) ); $viewfull.on('click.rggallery', function( event ) { if( mode === 'carousel' ) $escarousel.elastislide( 'destroy' ); $escarousel.hide(); $viewfull.addclass('rg-view-selected'); $viewthumbs.removeclass('rg-view-selected'); mode = 'fullview'; return false; }); $viewthumbs.on('click.rggallery', function( event ) { _initcarousel(); $viewthumbs.addclass('rg-view-selected'); $viewfull.removeclass('rg-view-selected'); mode = 'carousel'; return false; }); if( mode === 'fullview' ) $viewfull.trigger('click'); }, _addimagewrapper= function() { // adds the structure for the large image and the navigation buttons (if total items > 1) // also initializes the navigation events $('#img-wrapper-tmpl').tmpl( {itemscount : itemscount} ).appendto( $rggallery ); if( itemscount > 1 ) { // addnavigation var $navprev = $rggallery.find('a.rg-image-nav-prev'), $navnext = $rggallery.find('a.rg-image-nav-next'), $imgwrapper = $rggallery.find('div.rg-image'); $navprev.on('click.rggallery', function( event ) { _navigate( 'left' ); return false; }); $navnext.on('click.rggallery', function( event ) { _navigate( 'right' ); return false; }); // add touchwipe events on the large image wrapper $imgwrapper.touchwipe({ wipeleft : function() { _navigate( 'right' ); }, wiperight : function() { _navigate( 'left' ); }, preventdefaultevents: false }); $(document).on('keyup.rggallery', function( event ) { if (event.keycode == 39) _navigate( 'right' ); else if (event.keycode == 37) _navigate( 'left' ); }); } }, _navigate = function( dir ) { // navigate through the large images if( anim ) return false; anim = true; if( dir === 'right' ) { if( current + 1 >= itemscount ) current = 0; else ++current; } else if( dir === 'left' ) { if( current - 1 < 0 ) current = itemscount - 1; else --current; } _showimage( $items.eq( current ) ); }, _showimage = function( $item ) { // shows the large image that is associated to the $item var $loader = $rggallery.find('div.rg-loading').show(); $items.removeclass('selected'); $item.addclass('selected'); var $thumb = $item.find('img'), largesrc = $thumb.data('large'), title = $thumb.data('description'); $('').load( function() { $rggallery.find('div.rg-image').empty().append(''); if( title ) $rggallery.find('div.rg-caption').show().children('p').empty().text( title ); $loader.hide(); if( mode === 'carousel' ) { $escarousel.elastislide( 'reload' ); $escarousel.elastislide( 'setcurrent', current ); } anim = false; }).attr( 'src', largesrc ); }, additems = function( $new ) { $escarousel.find('ul').append($new); $items = $items.add( $($new) ); itemscount = $items.length; $escarousel.elastislide( 'add', $new ); }; return { init : init, additems : additems }; })(); gallery.init(); /* example to add more items to the gallery: var $new = $('
  • image01
  • '); gallery.additems( $new ); */ });